GECC 4130M: Chung Chi Senior Seminar

Fall, 2017

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Announcements | Administrative Info | Class Flow | Class Schedule| Meeting Schedule | Evaluation


August 30: Course website up and running. The meeting times and class times have been updated. Please check carefully.

Administrative Info

Instructor: Prof. HUANG Jianwei, SHB 718, jwhuang [a]

Office hour: Tentatively: Friday 2:15pm to 3:15pm and by appointment

Course web site:

Lecture Time: Friday Afternoons, 3:30pm - 6:15pm, Six Sessions Total, Location ERB 405

Course Outline (updated August 30)

Class Flow

Class Flow Details Time Allocation

The presentation group presents their research findings.

50 Mins
Break Break 10 Mins
Comment The commentary group provides comments and improvement suggestions on the presentation. 15 Mins

The presentation group leads the open discussions of the entire class.

60 Mins
Conclusion The section teacher provides feedback and concludes the class. 5 Mins

Class Schedule

Date (Friday: 3:30-6:15pm) Presentation Group
Commentary Group
September 15
Group 5: 探究实习经历之差异的成因及实习的必要性 Group 1
September 29
Group 4: 由狼人游戏发掘中大学生潜在的社交及心理需求 Group 2
October 6
Group 1: 探究大学生健康状况的影响因子和解决方案 Group 6
October 13
Group 6: 在港内地本科生恋爱对象选择标准、两性差异及其成因 Group 7
October 20
Group 3: 爱与痛的边缘 —探究大陆、香港及美国加州三地大学生性认知的现状及其原因 Group 4
November 3 Group 2: 香港共享单车发展模式探究 Group 3
November 17 Group 7: 领导力与当代大学生 - 香港中文大学领导力教育的得与失 Group 5

* bonus marks apply

Meeting Schedule

Second Meeting
Group 1: 探究大学生健康状况的影响因子和解决方案
Sept 21 (Thursday), 5:00 - 6:00
Group 2: 香港共享单车发展模式探究
October 20, 2:15 - 3:15
Group 3: 爱与痛的边缘 —探究大陆、香港及美国加州三地大学生性认知的现状及其原因
October 6, 2:15 - 3:15
Group 4: 由狼人游戏发掘中大学生潜在的社交及心理需求
Sept 15, 2:15 - 3:15
Group 5: 探究实习经历之差异的成因及实习的必要性
Sept 1, 2:15 - 3:15
Group 6: 在港内地本科生恋爱对象选择标准、两性差异及其成因 Sept 29, 2:15 - 3:15
Group 7: 领导力与当代大学生 - 香港中文大学领导力教育的得与失 November 3, 2:15 - 3:15




Based on

Research presentation

20 + 15 %  

Group + Inidivisual performance

Participation in discussions

As commentary group

10 % 

Group performance

Open discussions

15% Individual performance

Final report

20 % 

Group performance

Project proposal

5 % 

Group performance

Progress reporting

5 % 

Group/Indivisual performance

Peer Evaluation 10 %  Individual performance


Total 100%