August 30: Course website up and running. The meeting times and class times have been updated. Please check carefully.
Instructor: Prof. HUANG Jianwei, SHB 718, jwhuang [a]
Office hour: Tentatively: Friday 2:15pm to 3:15pm and by appointment
Course web site:
Lecture Time: Friday Afternoons, 3:30pm - 6:15pm, Six Sessions Total, Location ERB 405
Course Outline (updated August 30)
Class Flow | Details | Time Allocation |
Presentation | The presentation group presents their research findings. |
50 Mins |
Break | Break | 10 Mins |
Comment | The commentary group provides comments and improvement suggestions on the presentation. | 15 Mins |
Discussion | The presentation group leads the open discussions of the entire class. |
60 Mins |
Conclusion | The section teacher provides feedback and concludes the class. | 5 Mins |
Date (Friday: 3:30-6:15pm) | Presentation Group | Commentary Group |
September 15 |
Group 5: 探究实习经历之差异的成因及实习的必要性 | Group 1 |
September 29 |
Group 4: 由狼人游戏发掘中大学生潜在的社交及心理需求 | Group 2 |
October 6 |
Group 1: 探究大学生健康状况的影响因子和解决方案 | Group 6 |
October 13 |
Group 6: 在港内地本科生恋爱对象选择标准、两性差异及其成因 | Group 7 |
October 20 |
Group 3: 爱与痛的边缘 —探究大陆、香港及美国加州三地大学生性认知的现状及其原因 | Group 4 |
November 3 | Group 2: 香港共享单车发展模式探究 | Group 3 |
November 17 | Group 7: 领导力与当代大学生 - 香港中文大学领导力教育的得与失 | Group 5 |
* bonus marks apply
Groups | Second Meeting |
Group 1: 探究大学生健康状况的影响因子和解决方案 |
Sept 21 (Thursday), 5:00 - 6:00 |
Group 2: 香港共享单车发展模式探究 |
October 20, 2:15 - 3:15 |
Group 3: 爱与痛的边缘 —探究大陆、香港及美国加州三地大学生性认知的现状及其原因 |
October 6, 2:15 - 3:15 |
Group 4: 由狼人游戏发掘中大学生潜在的社交及心理需求 |
Sept 15, 2:15 - 3:15 |
Group 5: 探究实习经历之差异的成因及实习的必要性 |
Sept 1, 2:15 - 3:15 |
Group 6: 在港内地本科生恋爱对象选择标准、两性差异及其成因 | Sept 29, 2:15 - 3:15 |
Group 7: 领导力与当代大学生 - 香港中文大学领导力教育的得与失 | November 3, 2:15 - 3:15 |
Items |
Percentage |
Based on |
Research presentation |
20 + 15 % |
Group + Inidivisual performance |
Participation in discussions |
As commentary group |
10 % |
Group performance |
Open discussions |
15% | Individual performance | |
Final report |
20 % |
Group performance |
Project proposal |
5 % |
Group performance |
Progress reporting |
5 % |
Group/Indivisual performance |
Peer Evaluation | 10 % | Individual performance | |
Total 100% |